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For the Love of Film: The Film Preservation Blogathon,
May 13-17, 2015
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Cupid in Quarantine (1918), a one-reel silent comedy starring Elinor Field and Cullen Landis.
Through this year’s science-fiction-themed blogathon, we’re trying to raise $10,000 and it's going to take many generous small (and large!) donations to get there. With great appreciation for your generosity, THANK YOU!
essay 3 of 5 blog entries
Part One: Titanic Similarities
A drawing is discovered in a safe deep below the ocean in Titanic (1997). |
A team of scientific explorers discover a
surprising artifact. Who did it belong to? Could the owner possibly
still be alive? “But (s)he’d be at least 90 years old now!”
However, the owner is alive. And the owner has a tale to
share. Now listen closely. “Once upon a time…”
Arnold Bedford examines the
British flag found on the moon
in First Men in the Moon (1964). |
First Men in the Moon (1964),
explorers discover a British flag on the moon, along with a note claiming the
moon in the name of Queen Victoria. Old Arnold Bedford is discovered in a
nursing home and he relates his tale of adventure and romance.
In Titanic (1997), explorers
discover a drawing of a nude woman locked inside a safe inside the submerged
wreck of the Titanic. An elderly woman comes forward claiming that the
picture is of her. She relates her tale of adventure and romance.
Coincidence? Well, it wouldn’t be the
first time that writer-director James Cameron cribbed from established science
fiction authors… or from Ray Harryhausen movies, for that matter. Maybe I
should let Cameron confess:
“The creations in
my movies are really Ray’s illegitimate grandchildren. The
Terminator owes its roots to the skeleton fight in Jason and
the Argonauts, which I saw when I was seven years old. It blew my
mind and I wanted to do that, whatever ‘that’ was.”
James Cameron
Testimonial from the book jacket of
Ray Harryhausen: An Animated Life
If Cameron was six for Jason, he would have been
seven for First Men in the Moon and my guess is that he was already
furiously scribbling notes for future screenplays.
In all fairness, Nigel Kneale’s flashback plot
structure for First Men in the Moon IS ingenious and Cameron deserves
credit for borrowing from the best. The plot device works very well in Titanic.
And Cameron’s stripped-down Terminator T-800 Model 101 was a nice twist on
Harryhausen’s fighting skeletons, too.
As the famous paraphrase of Isaac Newton states:
“If I have seen
further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”
Old Bedford in First Men in the Moon and old Rose in Titanic
examine their documents. |
Part Two: The Unintended Metaphor
Bedford on the attack, swinging his gun, in First Men in the Moon. |
I could play off James Cameron with this next observation,
too, by suggesting that the plot of Cameron’s
Avatar (2009)
expands on a central metaphor in
First Men in the Moon. But I
really don’t think that’s the case, not even subconsciously.
In fact, I don’t think the particular metaphor that I'd like to discuss was ever
intentionally placed into First Men in the Moon. It was just an unplanned accident of
plot. But once you see it, it’s hard to ignore.
Kate Calender (Martha Hyer) brings
a gun to the moon despite Cavor's
dismissal of the idea: "Madam,
the chances of bagging an elephant
on the moon are remote." But the
gun is ultimately used by both Kate
and Arnold Beckford (Edward Judd)
as they threaten and shoot at
the moon's native inhabitants.
The movie
First Men in the Moon functions
as a frighteningly plausible metaphor for the European settlement of the
Americas. Arnold Bedford, well played by Edward Judd, represents the
European explorer/soldier. His ethics are highly suspect, he’s prone to
violence, and his primary incentive to explore is the promise of gold.
Cavor, magnificently played by Lionel Jeffries, is the scientist/technician who
unwittingly makes the invasion possible.
But there’s only one Bedford against a whole
civilization of Selenites. How can a single Bedford possibly win in this
battle for empire? Unfortunately, the answer is simple on both sides of
the metaphor. Carried from a distant land, disease wipes out the
civilization. The Europeans can now move in with relative ease, planting
their flag of conquest.
The disease angle was not in the original H. G.
Wells novel, and I seriously doubt that screenwriter Nigel Kneale considered
the potential historic parallels when he borrowed the idea from Wells’ The War of the
Worlds. But it unexpectedly hooked into the existing imperialist
satire that really was lying dormant in Wells’ novel The First Men in
the Moon, accidentally creating a scenario that is eerily resonant.
Wells’ novel is surprisingly complex and
nuanced. As in the movie, the character of Bedford (who provides
first-hand narration for most of the book) is presented as the typical
adventure hero. His acknowledged faults
of avarice and violent temper are minimized and/or justified. But then,
in a very surprising twist late in the book, Cavor’s communications from the
moon are presented intact and they paint a very different picture of Bedford:
“On the moon his
(Bedford’s) character seemed to deteriorate.
He became impulsive, rash, and quarrelsome…
“We came to a
difficult passage with them (the Selenites), and Bedford mistaking certain
gestures of theirs… gave way to a panic violence. He ran amuck, killed three, and perforce I had
to flee with him after the outrage.”
Apparently, Bedford has been an unreliable
narrator all along, suggesting that Wells’ novel was never intended as a simple
science romance for boys. We’ve received the heroic adventure story from
the viewpoint of the villain.
Cavor's cry of despair as he realizes that Bedford
is indiscriminately killing Selenites in
First Men in the Moon. |
The screenplay—sometimes jarringly—retains the
nastier elements of Bedford’s personality. Under the veneer of Victorian
charm, we see Cavor’s ever-increasing distress at Bedford’s actions, with Cavor
finally screaming in despair that Bedford is ruining everything.
Personally, I think the resulting dissonance between the promise of a light-hearted space romp
and Cavor’s heartfelt pain may have been behind the movie’s financial
failure. Ultimately,
First Men in
the Moon doesn’t deliver on the feel-good vibe that’s promised.
When Wells’ theme of European imperialism
collides with the disease subplot, the resulting implications are depressingly
familiar. The Selenites are the Native Americans. Just sixty years
after the first ship arrives, their world is in ruins. As Bedford says at
the close of the movie, “Poor Cavor! He did have such a terrible cold.” The flag has been planted and the moon will
now belong to the Earth. The aliens have
The British flag on the moon in First Men in the Moon. |
Reference Sources
Into the Unknown: The Fantastic Life of Nigel Kneale by Andy Murray